Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Obama's Re-Election Slogan: "I thought It Was The Right Thing To Do???!!!"

Obama adviser David Axelrod and Joe Scarborough got into a fiery debate this morning over whether Obama was experienced enough to have been elected president.
The result, was essentially a condensed version of the stump speech we can expect to hear from Obama sometime next year, once the GOP picks their nominee and the election slog gets serious.
The last line is the kicker.  If the going gets rough this will no doubt be Obama’s trump card in the form of an attack ad.
Obama went and intervened, saved the financial system from collapsing.  This controversial with some people but it was absolutely necessary. Intervened, saved the auto industry from collapsing. There are many people working  who wouldn’t have been had he not done that.  It wasn’t popular. It was the right thing to do. So he took a series of steps so we’ve had 19 months of job growth.  Not nearly enough and we still have to address the bigger problem of wages and how we get housing back on track….
He said he was going to end the war in Iraq in a few months. we will have all our troops home from Iraq.  He said he was going to up the ante and go after al Qaeda in a serious way.  Osama bin Laden is gone.  So when you say he wasn’t prepared, maybe you should go ask Osama bin Laden if he thought he was…not only would a lot of lives had been lost if it went bad.  He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do.
When Obama’s Numbers Start To Tank Here’s The Secret Weapon He’s Going To Rely On

AXELROD: “He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do”.

Was obamas healthscare, “the right thing to do”?
Was obamas TARP, “the right thing to do”?
Was the war with Libya, “The right thing to do”?
Were the “appointments” (sic) of obamas czars, “the right thing to do”?
No point in going on, Obama has NEVER did/done the “right thing” for, “We the People”.
He did the “right” thing for the NWO communist agenda.
So, when “Axlefod” makes ambiguous statements like this, be sure to know that the “right thing to do” is how the NWO sees it being done.
Nothing obama has done has been for the benefit of US Citizens.
Proof? Where are the jobs he promised two years ago? Where is our economy heading?
Where is all the “hope and change”?

Where is the “transparency” of HIS government, (not ours), been, while making deals in the middle of the night behind closed doors?
More of the same…from the same leftist group of bastards. Want more of the same? Pull the lever for obama again. It’ll get much worse. That not a promise, nor is it a threat, it is a statement of FACT.

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