Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nicely Said...............

H.L. Mencken (God Rest His Soul) wrote many an opus on the Fall of the Roman Empire and large treastisies on government. The following quote geta around the troubles with Democracy (Mob Rules) at it's darkened roots:

"Democracy, in fact, is always inventing classs distinctions, despite its theoretical abhorrence of them.....Democratic man is quite unable to think of himself as a free individual; he must belong to a group, or shake with fear and lonliness - and the group, of course, must have its leaders. It would be hard to find a country in which such brummagem (?) serene highnessess are revered with more passionate devotion than they get in the United States. The distinction that goes with mere office runs far ahead of the distinction that goes with actual achievement."

-H.L. Mencken, A Glance Ahead.
from Notes on Democracy, 1926

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